A massage is never just, a massage! It is an effective and powerful body treatment. A fully qualified practitioner understands how every facet of the body interconnects and will bring everything into full alignment, using specific, targeted, massage techniques.
There are serious health benefits to be gained from regular massage. It should never be viewed as just an occasional treat – somewhere to lie down, whilst someone rubs your back, as you listen to whale music and enjoy the scent of aromatherapy candles!
Our bodies are just like cars. They need regular MOTs and services. A qualified therapist will fix any issues that crop up and ensure your body is running at peak performance.
Sports massage is a particular form of massage. Here are just a few of its benefits:
Stretches and releases muscular tissue
Speeds up recovery from an injury
Helps prevent further injuries
Increases muscles flexibility
Relieves pain
Reduces swelling
Improves range of movement
Tones muscles by stretching
Reduces/breaks down scar tissue
Breaks down adhesions
Helps improve the production of synovial fluid around joints
In short, regular sports massage treatment can help keep our bodies motoring freely on our life journey – and ensure breakdowns are a thing of the past.
So true - I often forget this...I need to book more regular treatments